Visual listening: Building relationships over the phone
These days, business is rarely done in person. And as Sherie Griffiths says, “longterm business relies on relationships…

3 outcomes of conscious communication
How to be Heard teaches practical habits to transform your communication skills. But what is the greater impact of this on your life?

The sound of silence: 11 simple meditations from Lake Orta
In the middle of beautiful Lake Orta, near Milan, is Isola S. Giulio. This small island houses a basilica and a convent for a community of nuns of a silent order, which is why it’s known as ‘the island of silence’.

Stephen Hawking on the power of communication
Thank you to the most brilliant mind. “For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen.

The future of listening
Alex Doman is co-author of the book Healing at the Speed of Sound. And as you might imagine, we’re very attuned when it comes to the power of listening. “Ultimately, listening is an expression of conscious intention, caring, and compassion for one another. If we take the time to truly connect and to listen, we learn far more than through any words that we speak”, he says.

Listening in business: The pros and cons of critical listening
In business, in education and in any debate or argument, critical listening is often the natural place to go. It’s very powerful. It involves critical assessment of the other person’s message, often involving the little noise in your head giving a running commentary.

Teaching listening to children: 5 simple exercises
I receive many messages from teachers and parents about teaching listening skills to their children. I’ll be collating various resources over the coming weeks but, for now, here are some quick practical exercises.

What stops us communicating?
I’m often asked why I wrote How to be Heard. The answer is that, in my experience, most people don’t listen very well. And they don’t speak very well either. The problem often stems from many social causes.

Transform your relationships with three types of listening
Listening is so much more than understanding those around us. Being conscious of the three types of listening can transform how you relate to others – and to yourself!

The emotional barriers to listening
There is an inverse relationship between listening and upset emotions. The more upset you become, the harder it gets to listen to someone.

Interrupting: The ultimate conversation killer
One common habit that springs from the desire to be right is interrupting. This may result from speechwriting, as described earlier, but it can, and often does, arise with no planning at all—simply an overbearing desire to disagree, demand an answer or make a point now, without waiting for the other person to finish.

5 ways that listening can change your life
In order to communicate well, it’s critically important to be able to listen well too. A great listener has enormous advantages in the world. Listening is not a natural ability – it’s a skill that can be nurtured. You can listen to the audio blog or read the transcription below.