November 18: Live crash course in !

Julian's books


Sound Affects:
How Sound Shapes Our Lives, Our Wellbeing and Our Planet

Sound expert Julian Treasure invites you on a guided tour that takes in the sounds of the dawn of the universe and of colliding black holes; the terrifying natural sounds of volcanoes, meteorite strikes, and earthquakes; the incredible sounds made by even the tiniest living things; the soothing, health-giving sounds of gentle wind, water and birdsong; and the panoply of sound generated by humanity, from Mozart to a checkout beep.

This is a book you will keep coming back to, full of wonders and revelations. Most of all, it’s your reconnection with a widely forgotten skill that’s vital for your happiness, effectiveness and well-being – listening.

Available for pre-order now. Publication date: March 27 (UK) and June 17 (USA). Also to be published in Germany, Italy, Japan and Taiwan.

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Book cover showing title Sound Affects and author
2019 Audie & SOVAS Award Winner
For Best Audio Book in Business and Personal Development

How to be Heard:
Secrets for Powerful Speaking and Listening

How to be Heard  includes never-before-seen exercises to develop your communication skills that are as effective at home as in the boardroom or conference call.

Julian Treasure offers an inspiring vision for a world of effective speaking, listening and understanding.

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Sound Business: 
How to use sound to grow profits and brand value

Sound is a great undiscovered country for business. Most organisations are blissfully unaware of their sound, and yet sound affects people deeply. Sound can change people's behaviour in almost any commercial environment – including offices, shops, showrooms, advertising, the internet, hotels, bars and restaurants.

Research shows that appropriate sound can increase retail sales by over 30% and triple productivity for some workers.

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